EAN code | 8595057625914 |
Customs code | 39173100 |
წონა | 0,1873 kg/m |
Colour | light grey |
Material | PVC |
Self-extinguishing | 30 s |
Temperature during installation | -5 - 60 °C |
Mechanical resistance | 320 N/5cm |
Outside diameter | 30,6 mm |
Inner diameter (min.) | 25 mm |
Allowance | length ± 1 % |
Manufactures´s recommendations The producer recommends the installation of plastic pipes at temperatures above 0 ° C. | |
Fire reaction class of underlying material | A1 - F |
Sorting code | 23114 |
Flexible protective pipe reinforced with hard PVC spiral. Excels in smooth inside surface and very good strength, while the flexibility is guaranteed. Suitable for systems with mechanical strain and constant pressure, e.g.: industrial systems and machine equipment.
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