პლასტმასის პროდუქციის დასაწყობების სპეციფიკაციები


ეს სპეციფიკაციები განსაზღვრავს KOPOS Kolín a.s.-ს მიერ დამზადებული პლასტმასის ნაწარმის დასაწყობების წესებს და ექვემდებარება პლატმასის პროდუქციის დასაწყობების სტანდარტს ČSN 64 0090.

I. შენახვის ზოგადი წესი

  1. The products should be protected against the damaging effects like thermal radiation, direct solar radiation, mechanical damage, solvent organic influence etc.
  2. In temperatures under 5°C and above 35°C there is necessary to pay extra caution when handling the products.
  3. The products may not be stored in the free stores
  4. Each batch should be divided
  5. The products from different plastics should be divided
  6. When delivering from the warehouse the long-standing goods should be withdrawn at first.
  7. The wraps should be clean, dry and with no bad smell.
  8. Stored products, eventually the single packages must be properly and visibly marked to avoid any confusion.

II. შენახვის პირობები

  1. The temperature in the storage may not sink under -5°C and exceed 45°C.
  2. The products should be stored in the dry, dust-free environment to avoid their damage and deformation. The distance from the source of heat should be at least 1 meter.
  3. There are the following restrictions when storing the plastic products:

    • Exposure of direct solar radiation, climatic influence, heat radiation
    • Storing together with organic solvents, products containing organic solvents and other chemicals with unwarranted passivity to the stored products
    • Storing products determined for contacts with edibles and for hygienic and with substances which can influence their sensoric characteristics
    • Direct contact with rubber and products with rubber
    • Permanent one-side load, bending or stacking at each other
    • Leaning against the sharp edges
  4. When stacking the products or packages in the layers, the stacking height should be adequate to their stability and loading limit.
  5. The rigid tubes, trunking and canals should be stored in the horizontal position where the distance between the braces may not be more than 800 mm.
  6. The storage requirements can be closely specified in the manuals of products.

ლითონის პროდუქციის დასაწყობების სპეციფიკაციები


These specifications are valid for warehousing the metal products made by KOPOS Kolín a.s. and are in the compliance with 
ČSN EN 60721-3-1 (Environment conditions classification, Part 3: Group classification of the environmental parameters and their strictness ratio, Section 1: Warehousing of the products).

I. ზოგადი წესი

  1. The products should be protected against the damaging effects like mechanical damage, climate or chemical influences.
  2. When delivering from the warehouse the long-standing goods should be withdrawn at first (system FIFO).
  3. Stored products must be properly and visibly marked to avoid any confusion.

II. შენახვის პირობები

The products should be stored in the dry, dust-free environment to avoid their damage 
Warehouse specification:

  • The place fully proofed against the climate influences that means closed space where the climate influences are totally eliminated
  • The presence of the water must be totally eliminated from other sources than rain: dropping water, spouting water, condensation water
  • Absolute elimination of the chemical influences creating in consequence of salt aerosol
მიმაგრებული ფაილიზომა
Storage specifications199.16 კბ